Home Boarders
For some dogs home boarders are the best option and when we feel that your pet would benefit from this type of boarding there are several whom we have worked with in the past and continue to recommend.
Just like picking a kennels though you should always make a point of visiting the premises and checking things out before you book. We have used our experience with what can go wrong with home boarding to offer some guidance in what to check for when you visit. Always ask to see certificates and licenses!
- Are they licensed - this is a legal requirement and without a license all it takes is a phone call from a neighbour complaining about the noise and the council will close them down within days - ruining your holiday plans.
- Are they insured - not a legal requirement but who is going to pay the vet bills if your dog has an accident?
- Do they work - if so what happens to your dog 9 till 5?
- Do they board multiple dogs at the same time - if so what happens when 2 dogs dont see eye to eye, it can happen with devasting effect.
- Check the back garden - do the fences look secure and do they have several kennels out there? If so where exactly will your dog be staying and what are the kennels for?
- Do they have a Pet First Aid certificate?
- What arrangements do they have if something goes wrong and they have to go to hospital, family bereavement, sick kids/parents. Things can and do go wrong - who will be looking after your pet if they wind up in casualty!
Over the last few years we have looked after a variety of dogs in circumstances where home boarders have not been able to deal with dogs because of behaviour or aggression, where the home boarders have had to deal with personal issues at short notice and where the home boarders have decided on a change in career and not had the curtesy to tell the owner until the day of arrival. We have not always been in a position to help (if full already) and have had to watch as people say goodbye to thousands in lost flights and hotels.
There are a lot of good quality home boarders out there, however there are also a good few who see it as a quick and easy way to make a few quid.